With contributions by: Gerhard Andersson, Matilda Berg, Heleen Riper, Jonathan D. Huppert, Nicolai Titov; Guy Bodenmann, Mirjam Kessler, Rebekka Kuhn, Lauren Hocker, Ashley K. Randall; Louisa Lorenz, Andreas Maercker, Rahel Bachem; Thomas Probst, Andreas Mühlberger, Johannes Kühner, Georg H. Eifert, Christoph Pieh, Timo Hackbarth, Johannes Mander; Marcel Riehle, Mara Cristine Böhl, Matthias Pillny, Tania Marie Lincoln; Marius Rubo, Chantal Martin-Soelch, Simone Munsch; Eva Heim, Sebastian Burchert, Mirëlinda Shala, Marco Kaufmann, Arlinda Cerga Pashoja, Naser Morina, Michael P. Schaub, Christine Knaevelsrud, Andreas Maercker

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32872/cpe.v2i3

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Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

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