Author Guidelines
The journal Clinical Psychology in Europe is published quarterly. Articles can be submitted at any time and the review process is undertaken typically by two or more independent reviewers. The following article types are considered for publication:
- Original Research Reports and Empirical Studies (max. 4.500 words)
- Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (max. 4.500 words)
- Scientific Updates (max. 3.000 words)
- State-of-the-Art Overview (max. 4.500 words)
- Latest Developments (max. 2.500 words)
- Politics and Education (max. 2500 words)
- Letters to the Editor, Commentaries (max. 400 words)
- Registered Reports
Manuscript Submission Guideline
1. Main article file
Required file format and manuscript style:
- The manuscript must be submitted in PDF (initial submission) or MS Word (.docx) format.
- As CPE is part of the PsychOpen GOLD journal platform submissions must be formatted according to the PsychOpen GOLD house style, which is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (APA Style).
- Please include line numbers and page numbers.
- In general, all parts of the manuscript should be double-spaced (including the abstract; text; block quotations; table and figure numbers, titles, and notes; and reference list). Do not add extra space before or after paragraphs.
1.1 Title page
- Complete title of the manuscript
- Running head: short title (one line), no more than 50 characters including spaces
- Names and affiliations of all authors: Institution, City, Country
- Corresponding author's name and contact address: full postal and email address, telephone number
- ORCID identifier (formatted as for all authors, if available.
- Twitter handles, if available.
- Word count of manuscript (excl. references), number of tables and figures
- Competing interests: Financial and personal relationships of any author with other people or organisations that could inappropriately influence the work should be declared (see Disclosure Policies).
- Funding/financial disclosure: All sources of funding should be declared (see Disclosure Policies).
- Acknowledgements: Any significant, non-financial support from other persons or organisations should be acknowledged (see Disclosure Policies).
- Ethics statement (in case of human or animal participants): Confirming compliance with recognized ethical standards and local guidelines (see policy on Human and Animal Participants).
- Open Science statements: Statements whether (a) data, (b) code, (c) materials are available and, if so, where to access them (see Open Science policy).
- Preregistration: Statement whether pre-registration of study/of analysis plan exists, and, if so, where to access them (see Transparency and Reproducibility policy).
- Reporting guidelines used in writing the article (see Transparency and Reproducibility policy).
- The journal conducts a single-blind review process. Anonymization of manuscripts is not needed.
- Please note: The title page should be included in the main article file.
1.2 Abstract, Keywords, Key messages, and 1-Sentence-Teaser
- Structured Abstract (headings as: Background, Method, Results, Conclusion): No more than 250 words
- Keywords: 5 – 7 keywords or brief phrases separated by commas
- Key messages/highlights from the paper (up to 4): These should be presented as bullet points of no more than 100 characters (incl. spaces) each and outline what the study adds.
- 1-Sentence-Teaser: Please write a statement of the conclusions of your study in one or two sentences, with a maximum of 25 words. Please avoid use of the first person and don't simply write "This study…" Please include interesting information about your paper and do not only rephrase the title.
- Abstract, Keywords, Key messages, and 1-Sentence-Teaser should be included in the main file.
1.3 Main article body including tables and figures
- Manuscript (including running head)
- All figures (including relevant captions)
- All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
- References (APA style, 7th edition)
1.4 Appendices (if any)
- Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
1.5 List of supplementary material (if any)
- Confirm that you and your co-authors agree to publish these materials in the PsychArchives repository under a CC BY 4.0 license (the same license as used for the article).
- List of all supplementary files with a short description (1-2 sentences) of each supplement (will be used for the "Supplements" section of the article linking to the repository).
2. Cover letter (mandatory; should be included as an "additional file" during submission)
- Main contribution of the current report
- Suggestions for at least 3 potential referees for peer review with contact details
- Names and affiliations of all authors: Institution, City, Country
3. Supplementary Materials (should be included as "additional files" during submission)
CPE encourages authors to share data, data analysis scripts, and other materials needed for the reconstruction and replication of the results presented in the paper. Supplementary materials will be made available using the open repository PsychArchives (provided by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology). For more details see Supplementary Material Guidelines.
Final check before submission: Before submission, please carefully check the manuscript's adherence to CPE's submission guidelines.
No Article Processing Charges!
With the help of our publisher Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE) is an open-access journal, free of charge to authors and readers! Therefore it is important the authors follow these guidelines closely as we cannot cover extensive editing costs. All submitted materials must comply with the PsychOpen GOLD Style Guide. Publication of manuscripts is contingent on thorough proofreading and adherence to the stylistic guidelines by the author(s). Submissions may be returned to authors if they do not adhere carefully to the guidelines.