Forthcoming Articles

Articles below are "in press", i.e., accepted for publication in Clinical Psychology in Europe but not yet published. However, authors are encouraged to make their Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) available on this page (as described below).

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  • Can a Variant of the Implicit Association Test Detect Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in a Clinical Population? A Registered Report
    Femke Cathelyn, Pieter Van Dessel, Laurence Claes, Jan De Houwer
  • Allegiance and Treatment Quality as Moderators of the Comparative Effectiveness of Psychotherapy? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies Comparing Humanistic Psychotherapy to Other Psychotherapy Approaches
    Olivia Schünemann, Alessa Jansen, Ulrike Willutzki, Nina Heinrichs
  • The effect of depression and hopelessness on suicidal risk in young people: the mediating role of impulsivity
    Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares, Olber Eduardo Arango Tobón, César Núñez; Gastón Zapata Lesmes
  • International Prolonged Grief Disorder Scale Addendum for Refugees and Displaced People (IPGDS-ARD): A Study of Arabic-Speaking Bereaved Refugees
    Clare Killikelly, Alexandra Reymond, Anaïs Aeschlimann, Andreas Maercker, Eva Heim
  • Empirically Informed, Idiographic Networks of Concordant and Discordant Motives: An Experience Sampling Study With Network Analysis
    Thies Lüdtke, Fabian Steiner, Thomas Berger, Stefan Westermann
  • The Context of COVID-19 at 18 Months in Relation to Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia: The Emerging Role of Persistent long COVID Symptoms
    Karin Cecilia Brocki, Monica Buhrman, Farzaneh Badinlou, Lance McCracken
  • Effectiveness of Empower-Grief for Relatives of Palliative Care Patients: Protocol for an Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial
    David D. Neto, Alexandra Coelho, Sara Albuquerque, Ana Nunes da Silva
  • ICD-11 Prolonged Grief Disorder, Physical Health, and Somatic Problems: A Systematic Review
    James Cunningham, Mark Shevlin, Catalina Cerda, Eoin McElroy
  • Loneliness and Distress in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of German University Students
    Joanna Joy Hunsmann, Florian Weck, Julia Wendt, Franziska Kühne
  • Dropout From Trauma-Focused Treatment for PTSD in a Naturalistic Setting
    Verena Semmlinger, Keisuke Takano, Larissa Wolkenstein, Antje Krüger-Gottschalk, Sascha Kuck, Anne Dyer, Andre Pittig, Georg W. Alpers, Thomas Ehring
  • Dynamic Complexity of Positive and Negative Affect in NSSI - A Daily Diary Study
    Michaela Bruckbauer-Schwed
  • IBD-specific Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: sustainability of effect after three years
    Bennebroek Evertsz Floor, Florentine LS Goes, Pieter CF Stokkers, Robbert Sanderman, Mathilde GE Verdam, Mirjam AG Sprangers, Claudi L Bockting
  • Can a 1-Item Scale for Psychotherapy Outcomes Be Psychometrically Robust?
    Scott T. Meier
  • I’m still standing: Body sway, interpersonal space, and social anxiety – A proof of principle
    Wolf-Gero Lange, Muriel A. Hagenaars
  • Response to the commentary „Can a 1-Item Scale for Psychotherapy Outcomes Be Psychometrically Robust?”
    Brian Schwartz, Miguel M. Gonçalves, Wolfgang Lutz, João Tiago Oliveira, Suoma E. Saarni, Orya Tishby, Michael Barkham
  • Youth, the New Adolescence: A Challenge and a Window of Opportunity for Early Mental Health Interventions
    Simone Munsch, Tina In-Albon, Nadine Messerli-Bürgy