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Can a Variant of the Implicit Association Test Detect Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in a Clinical Population? A Registered Report
Allegiance and Treatment Quality as Moderators of the Comparative Effectiveness of Psychotherapy? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Studies Comparing Humanistic Psychotherapy to Other Psychotherapy Approaches
The effect of depression and hopelessness on suicidal risk in young people: the mediating role of impulsivity
International Prolonged Grief Disorder Scale Addendum for Refugees and Displaced People (IPGDS-ARD): A Study of Arabic-Speaking Bereaved Refugees
Empirically Informed, Idiographic Networks of Concordant and Discordant Motives: An Experience Sampling Study With Network Analysis
The Context of COVID-19 at 18 Months in Relation to Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia: The Emerging Role of Persistent long COVID Symptoms
Effectiveness of Empower-Grief for Relatives of Palliative Care Patients: Protocol for an Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial
ICD-11 Prolonged Grief Disorder, Physical Health, and Somatic Problems: A Systematic Review
Loneliness and Distress in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of German University Students
Dropout From Trauma-Focused Treatment for PTSD in a Naturalistic Setting
Dynamic Complexity of Positive and Negative Affect in NSSI - A Daily Diary Study
IBD-specific Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: sustainability of effect after three years
Can a 1-Item Scale for Psychotherapy Outcomes Be Psychometrically Robust?
I’m still standing: Body sway, interpersonal space, and social anxiety – A proof of principle
Response to the commentary „Can a 1-Item Scale for Psychotherapy Outcomes Be Psychometrically Robust?”
Youth, the New Adolescence: A Challenge and a Window of Opportunity for Early Mental Health Interventions